Thursday, 25 November 2010

Castle in Spain Exhibition

Last night was the private view of Bobby Sayers and Joe Cerski's 2nd Exhibition, again in Lawson's Barber shop, entitled 'Castle in Spain'.
The work seemed to go down well and there was a pleasant vibe throughout the night (probably helped by free wine and pizza).
I've linked to the artists mentioned where possible.  More images to follow.

The Puppet, The Skeleton and The Lost Cosmonaut, 2010
(Extract from a sequence of 9)
Ruby Lloyd - Burman

Be, 2010
Ben Dawson

Untitled, 2010
Josephine Fairbrother

Finbar Prior's work to be added shortly

In the basement:

Untitled, 2010
Joe Cerski

Untitled, 2010 (Detail)

Untitled, 2010

Untitled, 2010
Gavin Frankton

Untitled, 2010

Three word brief, 2010
Bobby Sayers

Untitled, 2010Hyun-ji Kim


Untitled, 2010
Chris Evitts

